Michael Kotzyba

Dipl.-Inform. Michael Kotzyba
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Faculty of Computer Science
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
Faculty of Computer Science
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
Universitätsplatz 2,
39106, Magdeburg,
Research Areas:
- Information Retrieval
- Data Mining
- Cognitive Modelling
Current Projects:
- Intention-based, Anticipatory, Interactive Systems (EU - EFRE Sachsen-Anhalt)
Previous Projects:
- SFB transregio 62 "A Companion-Technology for Cognitive Technical Systems" (DFG)
2013 | Research Assistant at the Institute for Technical and Operational Information Systems (ITI), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Data and Knowledge Engineering Group |
2011 - 2013 | Research Assistant at the Institute of Ergonomics, Manufacturing Systems and Automation (IAF), Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Human Factors Engineering |
2011 | Diploma thesis about "Adaptation of Evaluation Measures to Overlapping Graph Clusterings" |
2009 | Internship at the European Centre for Soft Computing (spain) in order to develop a node-oriented canonical form to identify frequent subgraphs |
2005 | Beginning of my computer science study in Magdeburg |
- Summer Term 2018: Multimedia Retrieval (exercise course)
- Winter Term 2017/2018: Information Retrieval (exercise course)
- Summer Term 2017: Multimedia Retrieval (exercise course)
- Winter Term 2016/2017: Information Retrieval (exercise course)
- Summer Term 2016: Interactive Information Retrieval (exercise course)
- Winter Term 2015/2016: Information Retrieval (exercise course)
- Summer Term 2015: Multimedia Retrieval (exercise course)
- Winter Term 2014/2015: Data and Knowledge Engineering (seminar + practical course)
- Summer Term 2014: Multimedia Retrieval (exercise course)
- Winter Term 2013/2014: User Bahavior Modeling (seminar + practical course)
- Summer Term 2013: Multimedia Retrieval (exercise course)
Polley, S.; Ghosh, S.; Thiel, M.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: SIMFIC: An Explainable Book Search Companion.. 2020 IEEE International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS). IEEE, 2020, S. 1-6
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Schwerdt, J.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Fact-Finding or Exploration: Identifying Latent Behavior Clusters in User’s Search Activities. 2019 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, 2019
Kotzyba, M.; Schwerdt, J.; Gossen, T.; Krippl, M. & Nürnberger, A.: The Effect of Motivational Goals on Information Search for Tasks of Varying Complexity Levels.. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC). IEEE, 2018, S. 2602-2607
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Butka, P.; Low, T.; Kotzyba, M.; Haun, S. & Nürnberger, A.: Exploration of Web Search Results Based on the Formal Concept Analysis.. In: Szymanski, J. & Velegrakis, Y. (Hrsg.): International KEYSTONE Conference. Springer, 2017 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10546), S. 123-135
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Gossen, T.; Siegert, I.; Nürnberger, A.; Hartmann, K.; Kotzyba, M. & Wendemuth, A.: Modeling Aspects in Human-Computer Interaction: Adaptivity, User Characteristics and Evaluation.. In: Biundo, S. & Wendemuth, A. (Hrsg.): Companion Technology. Springer, 2017Cognitive Technologies , S. 57-78
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Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Search Engine for Children: User-Centered Design. In: Datenbank-Spektrum (2017),
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Kotzyba, M.; Gossen, T.; Schwerdt, J. & Nürnberger, A.: Exploration or Fact-Finding: Inferring User’s Search Activity Just in Time. ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017CHIIR '17 , S. 87-96
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Kotzyba, M.; Gossen, T.; Stober, S. & Nürnberger, A.: Model-Based Frameworks for User Adapted Information Exploration: An Overview.. In: Biundo, S. & Wendemuth, A. (Hrsg.): Companion Technology. Springer, 2017Cognitive Technologies , S. 37-56
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Low, T.; Bubalo, N.; Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M.; Brechmann, A.; Huckauf, A. & Nürnberger, A.: Towards Identifying User Intentions in Exploratory Search using Gaze and Pupil Tracking. ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017CHIIR '17 , S. 273-276
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Schwerdt, J.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Inferring user's search activity using interaction logs and gaze data. International Conference on Companion Technology (ICCT 2017). IEEE, 2017, S. 1-6
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Stange, D.; Kotzyba, M.; Langer, S. & Nürnberger, A.: Interpreting and Leveraging Browser Interaction for Exploratory Search Tasks.. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Volume 3: ICEIS. ScitePress, 2017 (3), S. 191-197
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Stange, D.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Professional Collaborative Information Seeking: Towards Traceable Search and Creative Sensemaking. In: Nguyen, N. T.; Kowalczyk, R.; Pinto, A. M. & Cardoso, J. (Hrsg.): Transactions on Computational Collective Intelligence XXVI. Springer International Publishing, 2017 (LNCS 26), S. 1-25
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Butka, P.; Low, T.; Kotzyba, M.; Haun, S. & Nürnberger, A.: A Framework for FCA-based Exploratory Web Search. In: Biundo-Stephan, S.; Rukzio, E. & Wendemuth, A. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Companion-Technology (ISCT 2015), Ulm, Germany. 2015, S. 131-136
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Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Anforderungen und Verhalten junger Nutzer bei der Informationssuche – Ein Überblick. In: Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis Band 66 (2015), Nr. Heft 1, S. 57-64
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Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Knowledge Journey Exhibit: Towards Age-Adaptive Search User Interfaces. Advances in Information Retrieval. Springer International Publishing, 2015 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9022), S. 781-784
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Kotzyba, M.; Siegert, I.; Gossen, T.; Wendemuth, A. & Nürnberger, A.: Exploratory Voice-Controlled Search for Young Users: Challenges & Potential Benefits. In: Kognitive Systeme, DuEPublico, Duisburg-Essen Publication Online (2015), Nr. 2015 - 1, S. 1-10
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Kotzyba, M.; Ponomaryov, D.; Low, T.; Thiel, M.; Glimm, B. & Nürnberger, A.: Ontology-supported Exploratory Search for Physical Training Exercises. In: Villata, S.; Pan, J. Z. & Dragoni, M. (Hrsg.): Demonstrations Track at the 14th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC-2015). 2015 (1486)
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Nürnberger, A.; Stange, D. & Kotzyba, M.: Professional Collaborative Information Seeking: On Traceability and Creative Sensemaking. In: Cardoso, J.; Guerra, F.; Houben, G.-J.; Pinto, M. A. & Velegrakis, Y. (Hrsg.): Semantic Keyword-based Search on Structured Data Sources: First COST Action IC1302 International KEYSTONE Conference, IKC 2015, Coimbra, Portugal, September 8-9, 2015. Revised Selected Papers. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015 (LNCS 9398), S. 1-16
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Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Graph clusterings with overlaps: Adapted quality indices and a generation model. In: Neurocomputing 123 (2014), S. 13-22
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Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M.; Stober, S. & Nürnberger, A.: Sprachgesteuerte Benutzerschnittstellen zur Suche für junge Nutzer. 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. 2013, S. 113-115
Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M.; Stober, S. & Nürnberger, A.: Voice-Controlled Search User Interfaces for Young Users. 7th annual Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. 2013
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Gossen, T.; Kotzyba, M. & Nürnberger, A.: Adaptation and Enhancement of Evaluation Measures to Overlapping Graph Clusterings. ICPRAM (1). 2012, S. 5-14
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Hartmann, K.; Siegert, I.; Glüge, S.; Wendemuth, A.; Kotzyba, M. & Deml, B.: Describing Human Emotions Through Mathematical Modelling. Proceedings of the MATHMOD 2012 - 7th Vienna International Conference on Mathematical Modelling. Vienna, Austria: 2012
Kotzyba, M.; Deml, B.; Neumann, H.; Gluege, S.; Hartmann, K.; Siegert, I.; Wendemuth, A.; Traue, H. C. & Walter, S.: Emotion Detection by Event Evaluation using Fuzzy Sets as Appraisal Variables. In: Nele Rußwinkel| Uwe Drewitz| Hedderik van Rijn (eds.) (2012), S. 123
Papendick, K.; Deml, B.; Kotzyba, M. & Kleen, A.: Detektion visueller Fahrerablenkung. Ueberpruefung eines Algorithmus zur Detektion visueller Ablenkung. In: VDI-Berichte (2012), Nr. 2166, S. 251-62