Afra'a Ahmad Alyosef

M.Sc. Afra'a Ahmad Alyosef
Faculty of Computer Science
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
- Sommersemester 2022 "Data and Knowledge Engineering Seminar"
- Wintersemester 2021/2022: Information Retrieval (Exercise)
- Sommersemester 2021 "Data and Knowledge Engineering Seminar"
- Wintersemester 2020/2021: Information Retrieval (Exercise)
- Sommersemester 2020 "Data and Knowledge Engineering Seminar"
- Winter term 2019/2020: Information Retrieval (Exercise)
- Summer term 2019 "Data and Knowledge Engineering Seminar"
- Winter term 2018/2019: Information Retrieval (Exercise)
- Winter term 2016/2017: Information Retrieval (Exercise)
- Summer term 2015 "Data and Knowledge Engineering Seminar" (seminar + practical training)
- Summer term 2014: Seminar in fields of "User Behavior Modeling" (seminar + practical training)
- Winter term 2012/2013: Seminar: Hot Topics in Information Retrieval (HTIR)
- Summer term 2012: Seminar: Hot Topics in Information Retrieval (HTIR)
A. A. Alyosef, C. Elias, and A. Nurnberger. "Localization and transformation reconstruction of image regions: An extended congruent triangles approach". 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), pages 241--248, 2021
A. A. Alyosef and A. Nurnberger. "Hybrid fuzzy binning for near-duplicate image retrieval: Combining fuzzy histograms and SIFT keypoints". In proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods ICPRAM,241--248, 2020.
Alyosef, Afra'a Ahmad; Nürnberger, Andreas. "Detecting Sub-Image Replicas: Retrieval and Localization of Zoomed-In Images". Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 18th International Conference. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-29891-3_23. CAIP 2019.
Alyosef, Afra'a Ahmad; Nürnberger, Andreas. "The Effect of SIFT Features Properties in Descriptors Matching for Near-duplicate Retrieval Tasks". Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods. DOI: 10.5220/0006250607030710. ICPRAM. 2017.
Alyosef, Afra'a Ahmad; Nürnberger, Andreas." Adapted SIFT Descriptor for Improved Near Duplicate Retrieval". Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - Volume 1 S.55-64:SCITEPRESS Digital Library, DOI: 10.5220/0005694800550064. ICPRAM. 2016.
Alyosef, Afra'a Ahmad; Nürnberger, Andreas. "Near-Duplicate Retrieval: A Benchmark Study of Modified SIFT Descriptors".International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - Springer 2016. Submitted and accepted in Springer.
Steffen, Johannes; Hentschel, Christian; Alyosef, Afra'a Ahmad; Tönnies, Klaus; Nürnberger, Andreas. "Rotational invariance at fixation points - experiments using human gaze data"
In: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods ; Vol. 2. - [S.l.] : SciTePress, S. 451-456, 2012 ; Kongress: ICPRAM; 1 (Vilamoura) : 2012.02.06-08
Afra'a Ahmad Alyosef, Masterarbeit zum Thema: "Comparison of Interest Points of Computer Vision Detectors with Human Fixation Data".