Tatiana Gossen

Dr.-Ing. Tatiana Gossen
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Faculty of Computer Science
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
Faculty of Computer Science
Institut für Technische und Betriebliche Informationssysteme (ITI)
Gebäude 29, Universitätsplatz 2,
39106, Magdeburg,
- Knowledge 4.0 (EU, ESF)
- SFB transregio 62 "Companion Technology" - Teilprojekt "Charakterisierung und Modellierung von Dialogen der Informationsfindung" (DFG)
- Logfile analysis of search machines designed for children in coorporation with DJI
- BISON (Bisociation Networks for Creative Information Discovery)
- Winter term 2017/2018: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2016: Interactive Information Retrieval
- Winter term 2014/2015: Information Retrieval: block cource in Technical University of Sofia
- Winter term 2012/2013: Information Retrieval for Syrian Exchange Students
- Winter term 2011/2012: Information Retrieval
Exercise course
- Winter term 2015/2016: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2015: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
- Winter term 2014/2015: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2014: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
- Winter term 2013/2014: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2013: Advanced Topics in Machine Learning
- Winter term 2012/2013: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2012: Bioinformatics
- Winter term 2010/2011: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2010: Bioinformatics
- Summer term 2010: Information Retrieval for the Syrian Exchange Students
- Winter term 2009/2010: Information Retrieval
- Summer term 2011: Seminar: Hot Topics in Information Retrieval (HTIR)
- Tatiana Gossen. Search Engines for Children. Springer Vieweg, 2016.
Journal Articles
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Andreas Nürnberger. Anforderungen und Verhalten junger Nutzer bei der Informationssuche – Ein Überblick. Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, Band 66(Heft 1):57-64, 2015.
- Michael Kotzyba, Ingo Siegert, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Wendemuth and Andreas Nürnberger. Exploratory Voice-Controlled Search for Young Users: Challenges & Potential Benefits. Kognitive Systeme, DuEPublico, Duisburg-Essen Publication Online(2015 - 1):1-10, 2015.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Andreas Nürnberger. Graph Clusterings with Overlaps: Adapted Quality Indices and a Generation Model, In: Neurocomputing, Volume 123, 10 January 2014, Pages 13-22.
- Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Nürnberger. Specifics of Information Retrieval for Young Users: A Survey, In: Information Processing & Management. Volume 49, Issue 4, July 2013, Pages 739-756
- Tatiana Gossen, Julia Hempel, Andreas Nürnberger. Find it if you can: usability case study of search engines for young users, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 17, Issue 8 (2013), Page 1593-1603, DOI: 10.1007/s00779-012-0523-4.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Andreas Nürnberger. Knowledge Journey Exhibit: Towards Age-Adaptive Search User Interfaces. In: Allan Hanbury, Gabriella Kazai, Andreas Rauber und Norbert Fuhr (Herausgeber): Advances in Information Retrieval, 37th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2015, Band 9022, Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pages 781-784. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
- Tatiana Gossen, Sebastian Stober, Andreas Nürnberger. Treasure Map: Search History for Young Users. 5th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation, 2015.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Andreas Nürnberger. Anforderungen und Verhalten junger Nutzer bei der Informationssuche - ein Überblick. In: Information - Wissenschaft und Praxis, Band 66(Heft 1):57-64, 2015.
- Michael Kotzyba, Ingo Siegert, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Wendemuth and Andreas Nürnberger. Exploratory Voice-Controlled Search for Young Users: Challenges & Potential Benefits. Kognitive Systeme, DuEPublico, Duisburg-Essen Publication Online(2015 - 1):1-10, 2015.
- Tatiana Gossen, Juliane Höbel, Andreas Nürnberger. Usability and Perception of Young Users and Adults on Targeted Web Search Engines. In: Proceedings of the 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium, IIIX'14, Pages 18-27, ACM, 2014.
- Tatiana Gossen, Rene Müller, Sebastian Stober, Andreas Nürnberger. Search Result Visualization with Characters for Children. In: Proceedings of Interaction Design and Children Conference, IDC'14, Pages 125-134, ACM, 2014.
- Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Andreas Nürnberger. My First Search User Interface. In: M. de Rijke, T. Kenter, A. P. de Vries, C. Zhai, F. de Jong, K. Radinsky und K. Hofmann (Herausgeber): Advances in Information Retrieval, 36th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Band 8416, Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Pages 746-749. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
- Tatiana Gossen, Juliane Höbel, Andreas Nürnberger. A Comparative Study about Children’s and Adults’ Perception of Targeted Web Search Engines. In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI'14, Pages 1821-1824, ACM, 2014.
- Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Jana Vos, Andreas Nürnberger. Adaptation of a Search User Interface towards User Needs - A Prototype Study with Children & Adults. In: Proceedings of the 7th annual Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, 2013.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Sebastian Stober, Andreas Nürnberger. Voice-Controlled Search User Interfaces for Young Users. In: Proceedings of the 7th annual Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval, 2013.
- Tatiana Gossen. Towards Appropriate Search User Interfaces for Children. In: Proceedings of Magdeburger-Informatik-Tage 2. Doktorandentagung, 2013.
- Sebastian Stober, Thomas Low, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Nürnberger. Incremental Visualization of Growing Music Collections. In: Proceedings of 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, 2013.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Sebastian Stober, Andreas Nürnberger. Sprachgesteuerte Benutzerschnittstellen zur Suche für junge Nutzer. In: Proceedings of 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik, 2013.
- Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Andreas Nürnberger. Evolving Search User Interfaces. In: Proceedings of euroHCIR 2013.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Andreas Nürnberger. Graph Clusterings with Overlaps: Adapted Quality Indices and a Generation Model, In: Neurocomputing, Volume 123, 10 January 2014, Pages 13-22..
- Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Nürnberger. Specifics of Information Retrieval for Young Users: A Survey, In: Information Processing & Management. Volume 49, Issue 4, July 2013, Pages 739-756
- Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Andreas Nürnberger. Knowledge Journey: A Web Search Interface for Young Users. Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2012), Boston-Cambridge, MA, USA, 2012.
- Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Andreas Nürnberger. Search User Interface Design for Children: Challenges and Solutions. In: Proceedings of euroHCIR 2012.
- Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Stefan Haun, Andreas Nürnberger. Data exploration for bisociative knowledge discovery - a brief overview of tools and evaluation methods, In: Bisociative knowledge discovery. - Berlin : Springer Berlin, S. 287-300; Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7250; 2012
- Stefan Haun, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Nürnberger, Tobias Kötter, Kilian Thiel, Michael R. Berthold. On the integration of graph exploration and data analysis - the creative exploration toolkit, In: Bisociative knowledge discovery. - Berlin : Springer Berlin, S. 301-312; Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 7250; 2012
- Tatiana Gossen, Julia Hempel, Andreas Nürnberger. Find it if you can: usability case study of search engines for young users, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, Volume 17, Issue 8 (2013), Page 1593-1603, DOI: 10.1007/s00779-012-0523-4.
- Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Andreas Nürnberger. Adaptation and enhancement of evaluation measures to overlapping graph clusterings, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods, ISBN: 978-989-8425-98-0, 2012.
- Tatiana Gossen, Korinna Bade, Andreas Nürnberger. A comparative study of collaborative and individual web search for a social planning task, In: LWA 2011 Workshop, 2011.
- Tatiana Gossen, Thomas Low, Andreas Nürnberger, What Are the Real Differences of Children's and Adults' Web Search? In: Proceedings of the 34rd Annual ACM SIGIR conference in Research and Development in Information Retrieval (SIGIR'11), July 24-28, 2011, Beijing, China
- Tatiana Gossen, Stefan Haun, Andreas Nürnberger, How to Evaluate Exploratory User Interfaces? In: Proceedings of the SIGIR 2011 Workshop on "entertain me": Supporting Complex Search Tasks. ACM Press, 2011, S. 23-24
- Master Thesis: "Collaborative Search in the Internet"
Search Engine for Children: User-Centered Design.
Datenbank-Spektrum, 2017.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnbereger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Datenbank-Spektrum, 2017.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnbereger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Exploration or Fact-Finding: Inferring User’s Search Activity Just in Time.
In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. 2017. to appear
Michael Kotzyba, Tatiana Gossen, Johannes Schwerdt und Andreas Nürnberger.
In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. 2017. to appear
Michael Kotzyba, Tatiana Gossen, Johannes Schwerdt und Andreas Nürnberger.
Towards Identifying User Intentions in Exploratory Search using Gaze and Pupil Tracking.
In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. 2017. to appear
Thomas Low, Nikola Bubalo, Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, André Brechmann, Anke Huckauf und Andreas Nürnberger.
In: ACM SIGIR Conference on Human Information Interaction & Retrieval. 2017. to appear
Thomas Low, Nikola Bubalo, Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, André Brechmann, Anke Huckauf und Andreas Nürnberger.
Anforderungen und Verhalten junger Nutzer bei der Informationssuche – Ein Überblick.
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, Band 66(Heft 1):57-64, 2015.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, Band 66(Heft 1):57-64, 2015.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Knowledge Journey Exhibit: Towards Age-Adaptive Search User Interfaces.
In: Advances in Information Retrieval, Band 9022, Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seiten 781-784. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
In: Advances in Information Retrieval, Band 9022, Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seiten 781-784. Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Search Engines for Children:
Search User Interfaces and Information-Seeking Behaviour.
2015. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Tatiana Gossen.
[link] [BibTeX]
2015. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
Tatiana Gossen.
[link] [BibTeX]
Treasure Map: Search History for Young Users.
In: 5th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation. 2015.
Tatiana Gossen, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
In: 5th Workshop on Context-awareness in Retrieval and Recommendation. 2015.
Tatiana Gossen, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
Exploratory Voice-Controlled Search for Young Users: Challenges & Potential Benefits.
Kognitive Systeme, DuEPublico, Duisburg-Essen Publication Online(2015 - 1):1-10, 2015.
Michael Kotzyba, Ingo Siegert, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Wendemuth und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Kognitive Systeme, DuEPublico, Duisburg-Essen Publication Online(2015 - 1):1-10, 2015.
Michael Kotzyba, Ingo Siegert, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Wendemuth und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
A Comparative Study about Children’s and Adults’ Perception of Targeted Web Search Engines.
In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '14, Seiten 1821-1824. 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Juliane Höbel und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI '14, Seiten 1821-1824. 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Juliane Höbel und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Graph clusterings with overlaps: Adapted quality indices and a generation model.
Neurocomputing , 123:13-22, 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Neurocomputing , 123:13-22, 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
My First Search User Interface.
In: M. de Rijke, T. Kenter, A. P. de Vries, C. Zhai, F. de Jong, K. Radinsky und K. Hofmann (Herausgeber): Advances in Information Retrieval, 36th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Band 8416, Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seiten 746-749. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
In: M. de Rijke, T. Kenter, A. P. de Vries, C. Zhai, F. de Jong, K. Radinsky und K. Hofmann (Herausgeber): Advances in Information Retrieval, 36th European Conference on IR Research, ECIR 2014, Band 8416, Reihe Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Seiten 746-749. Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Search Result Visualization with Characters for Children.
In: Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children, IDC'14, Seiten 125-134. 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Rene Müller, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Interaction design and children, IDC'14, Seiten 125-134. 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Rene Müller, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Usability and Perception of Young Users and Adults on Targeted Web Search Engines.
In: Proceedings of the 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium , Seiten 18-27 . ACM, 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Juliane Höbel und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the 5th Information Interaction in Context Symposium , Seiten 18-27 . ACM, 2014.
Tatiana Gossen, Juliane Höbel und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Adaptation of a Search User Interface towards User Needs - A Prototype Study with Children & Adults.
In: Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR'13). 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Jana Vos und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR'13). 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Jana Vos und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Evolving Search User Interfaces.
In: Proceedings of euroHCIR 2013 Workshop. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of euroHCIR 2013 Workshop. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Find it if you can: usability case study of search engines for young users.
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17(8):1593-1603, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-012-0523-4
Tatiana Gossen, Julia Hempel und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 17(8):1593-1603, 2013. DOI: 10.1007/s00779-012-0523-4
Tatiana Gossen, Julia Hempel und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Specifics of information retrieval for young users: A survey.
Information Processing & Management, 49(4):739 - 756, 2013.
Tatiana Gossen und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Information Processing & Management, 49(4):739 - 756, 2013.
Tatiana Gossen und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
Sprachgesteuerte Benutzerschnittstellen zur Suche für junge Nutzer.
In: 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
In: 43. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
Towards Appropriate Search User Interfaces for Children.
In: Proceedings of Magdeburger-Informatik-Tage 2. Doktorandentagung, Seiten 7-14. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of Magdeburger-Informatik-Tage 2. Doktorandentagung, Seiten 7-14. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen.
[link] [BibTeX]
Voice-Controlled Search User Interfaces for Young Users.
In: 7th annual Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: 7th annual Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval. 2013.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba, Sebastian Stober und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Incremental Visualization of Growing Music Collections.
In: Proceedings of 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 2013.
Sebastian Stober, Thomas Low, Tatiana Gossen und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of 14th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 2013.
Sebastian Stober, Thomas Low, Tatiana Gossen und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Adaptation and Enhancement of Evaluation Measures to Overlapping Graph Clusterings.
In: ICPRAM (1), Seiten 5-14. 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: ICPRAM (1), Seiten 5-14. 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Michael Kotzyba und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Data Exploration for Bisociative Knowledge Discovery: A Brief Overview of Tools and Evaluation Methods.
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery, Seiten 287-300. Springer, 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Stefan Haun und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery, Seiten 287-300. Springer, 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche, Stefan Haun und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Knowledge Journey: A Web Search Interface for Young Users.
In: Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2012). 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium on Human-Computer Interaction and Information Retrieval (HCIR 2012). 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
Search User Interface Design for Children: Challenges and Solutions.
In: Proceedings of euroHCIR 2012 Workshop. 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of euroHCIR 2012 Workshop. 2012.
Tatiana Gossen, Marcus Nitsche und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
On the Integration of Graph Exploration and Data Analysis: The Creative Exploration Toolkit.
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery, Seiten 301-312. Springer, 2012.
Stefan Haun, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Nürnberger, Tobias Kötter, Kilian Thiel und Michael R. Berthold.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Bisociative Knowledge Discovery, Seiten 301-312. Springer, 2012.
Stefan Haun, Tatiana Gossen, Andreas Nürnberger, Tobias Kötter, Kilian Thiel und Michael R. Berthold.
[link] [BibTeX]
A Comparative Study of Collaborative and Individual Web Search for a Social Planning Task.
In: Proceedings of the LWA 2011 Workshop. 2011.
Tatiana Gossen, Korinna Bade und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the LWA 2011 Workshop. 2011.
Tatiana Gossen, Korinna Bade und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
How to evaluate exploratory user interfaces?.
In: Proceedings of the SIGIR 2011 Workshop on "entertain me": Supporting Complex Search Tasks, Seiten 23-24. 2011.
Tatiana Gossen, Stefan Haun und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the SIGIR 2011 Workshop on "entertain me": Supporting Complex Search Tasks, Seiten 23-24. 2011.
Tatiana Gossen, Stefan Haun und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [BibTeX]
What are the real differences of children's and adults' web search?.
In: Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information, Seiten 1115-1116. 2011.
Tatiana Gossen, Thomas Low und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]
In: Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in Information, Seiten 1115-1116. 2011.
Tatiana Gossen, Thomas Low und Andreas Nürnberger.
[link] [abstract] [BibTeX]