Interactive Information Organization Seminar and Project
Deutsch: Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zum wissenschaftlichen Seminar und Projekt "Interactive Information Organization", welches im Wintersemeser 2018/2019 stattfindet. Das Seminar und Projekt wird von den Dozenten und Master Studenten bei Bedarf auch auf Englisch gehalten. Den Bachelor Studenten ist es aber möglich, ihre Diskussionen, Präsentationen und Ausarbeitungen in deutscher Sprache zu halten bzw. abzugeben. Der Einfachheit halber sind alle folgenden Informationen in Englisch angegeben.
English: On this page you can find information about the scientific seminar and project/practical course "Interactive Information Organization", which takes place during the winter term 2018/2019. On demand the seminar and project will be in English. The Bachelor students can discuss, present and write their work in German. For simplicity the following information is provided in English.
Content and Topics
This course deals with selected topics and subdomains of the research area "Data and Knowledge Engineering". With an emphasis on "Intelligent Interactive Information Systems" students acquire insight in methods of user behavior analysis and modeling, knowledge discovery and visualization, data mining, adaptive retrieval systems etc. At the beginning of the course we will present topics but own ideas or suggestions are also welcome.
Course and Relation between Seminar and Project
The seminar is offered for Bachelor students to achieve an insight into selected topics and subdomains of the research area "Interactive Information Organization" with an emphasis on "Information Retrieval" and "Machine Learning". The assignment is to become acquainted with a chosen subdomain, hold a presentation and write a paper about this topic. In the end the Bachelor students receive 2SWS/3ECTS. Masters additionally have to do a small project worth 3ECTS. The seminar is offered for Master students as "Advanced Interactive Information Organization", which includes the project, therefore resulting in 4SWS/6ECTS.
Interested Persons
Please register yourself via LSF. The seminar and project is limited to 10 participants (usually 5 Bachelor and 5 Master students). We apply the scheme: "First Come, First Serve" (FCFS). Please apply for the Advaned Interactive Information Organization course (link) as a master's student and for the Interactive Information Organization course (link) as a bachelor's student. All materials of the course can be found on Moodle (link)
Teaching Staff
If you have any questions about the course, please contact us via E-Mail: